Located in the creative hub of the Television Centre, Hubert Zandberg Interiors is an Architectural and Interior Design practice with a focus on luxury residential and commercial projects both internationally and within the UK. The company was founded by Hubert Zandberg in 2002, and now comprises 19 highly creative designers and architects with a wealth of experience.
Our designs are non formulaic, using the knowledge and experience of our design team and its ability to combine location with aspiration, our unique design style reflects each client’s individual requirements and personal aesthetic.
It is a testament to the company that the majority of its current projects are generated by returning clients.

House & Garden, June 2015
Caroline Clifton-Mogg, A Passion For Collecting, 2002

Hubert’s passion for collecting and combining objects has always been a strong influence on informing his personal style. Investigating the relationship between objects, and pushing the envelope of design, Hubert’s personal spaces serve as laboratories where experiments in juxtaposition are performed.
Highly personal, functionality plays second fiddle to the aesthetics, and these experiments form the corner stone on which Hubert builds new schemes for clients, in an albeit more pared down and liveable interpretation of his own imaginative designs.